Our Lady of Fatima books DVDs by Sister Lucia

Archive for July, 2011

Where are you going to spend Eternity?

Question of the Day: “Where are you going to spend Eternity?”

Fr Bede McGregor asked Youth at the Conference.

The Answer is yours …

Where are you going to spend Eternity? http://www.thecalltofatima.com


O Fátima, Farewell original song in Portuguese & English

O Fatima, Farewell! original song


O Virgin of the Rosary
of Fatima dear Lady,
O dearest Queen of Heaven
to save thou’ art ever ready.
O Virgin of the Rosary of Fatima dear Lady,
As now we leave your sanctuary
once more we kneel before thee.

Just one more final prayer
as we leave, O Mother Mary!
May our hearts ever ring
with the words that we sing:
Oh Fatima! Farewell!
Mother dear, Farewell!

Before we leave O Mother
oh, hear our prayer of sorrow,
And save us from all danger
today, tonight, tomorrow.
Before we leave, O Mother
have mercy on our sorrow,
And ever be our guardian,
today, tonight, tomorrow.

O Mother as we leave you
the tears to our eyes are springing,
But still our hearts with happiness,
your love, your praise are singing.
O Mother as we leave you
our eyes with tears are dimming,
But though we weep at parting
our souls with love are brimming.

Discover the Truth

“The  culture  in which we live is very secularized  and pretends to carry on as if God did not exist; it also teaches us that the truth is whatever I fashion it to be and what’s good is whatever pleases me.  Of course, this is false. As Pope Benedict XVI said in his address to the Roman Curia this past year, such ideas come from a false notion of freedom, which leaves people enslaved to various material realities and, as a result, profoundly unhappy.

What we need to discover is the Truth which is revealed in such a striking way in the life of Christ, whose total obedience to the will of the Father, total obedience to the way that God the Father shows us,both in Ten Commandments and in the Beatitudes, is the way of pure and selfless love, is the only way to our happiness.

If  you look in the Gospels for that virtue which most characterizes the love of Christ for the Father and for all mankind for whom He poured out His life, it is obedience- “I have come not to do my will but the will of Him who sent me.”-Christ was obedient even to death on the Cross.

                                                                                    Cardinal Leo Burke in Catholic Voice  http://www.catholicvoice.ie/

“Pray the Rosary every day!” asked Our Lady in Fatima

Sister Lucia was asked by Our Lady of Fatima to pray the Rosary every day![During the very first apparition, on 13th May, 1917, Our Lady asked: “Pray the Rosary every day!” , and this request was to be repeated by her every month until October.

So, calling to mind the insistence with which God, by means of the Fatima Message, recommends the prayer of the Rosary, and also all that the Church’s Magisterium has said about it over the years, we can conclude that the Rosary is a form of vocal prayer which, in general, suits all of us, for which we should have the highest regard, and which we should make the greatest effort never to abandon…

I assure you that the Rosary is a biblical prayer and that it is part of the sacred Liturgy

The saying of the Rosary is the form of prayer which has been most recommended by all the Popes who served the Church in recent centuries.

His Holiness John Paul II expressed his intimate feelings, and his way of living the prayer of the Rosary in these words of 29th October, 1978: “A prayer marvellous in its simplicity and in its depth! In this prayer, we repeat over and over again the words which the Virgin Mary heard from the Archangel and from her cousin Elizabeth. The whole Church joins in these words. (…) At the same time our heart can include in these decades of the Rosary all the events which go to make up the life of the individual, the family, the nation, the Church, and the whole of humanity. Thus the simple prayer of the Rosary marks the rhythm of human life.(…) A prayer which is so simple and so rich! I cordially exhort all to pray it”. ]

This fragment is taken from the book “Calls from the Message of Fatima” written by Sister Lucia, page 270

What is your testimony regarding a prayer of the Rosary? We would like to hear your thoughts. Please share a Message of Hope.


“Pray and make sacrifices so that our whole life may be a holocaust offered to God on the arms of our day-to-day cross, in union with the Cross of Christ, for the salvation of souls, co-operating with Him in his redemptive work as members of his Mystical Body, the Church, which works, prays and suffers in intimate union with its Head for the redemption of humanity.”

Sister Lucia,  page 103 book “Calls from the Message of Fatima”

How to stay happy?

How to stay happy?How to remain in this state? Few short suggestions may help you a lot in your every day life.

This is not a secret or any miraculous formula. So take it as you see it and put it to work. It is all up to you…and it is so simple!

1.  Smile, as smile costs nothing and warms up so many hearts!

2. Serve others rather than be served! Start with your spouse..friend…brother or sister..neighbour…workmate

3. Listen, what people around you want to say!

4. Find a balance between your physical & spiritual life, don’t neglect one or another!

5. Spare more time for your family!It is always great to visit your parents or call your auntie.

6. Pray, hope and don’t worry! (St Padre Pio) The prayer, and especially the Rosary, is very powerful, by praying you will gain inner peace and will stop to worry so much.

6. Discuss different options for the future, be prepared for the worst, but always hope for the best! We are living in a crazy world, lot’s of mess and despair, but there is always a bright sight…always…route your life in HOPE that never dies!

7. Keep fit, exercise!Even Pope Benedict XVI is suggesting clergy to do sports!Jugging, swimming, tennis, football, walk with a dog, you name it. And you can never be too old for it!

8. Make your work enjoyable! Enjoy what you do!This is a key!

9. Start planting/ farming/ sewing/ cooking, etc. Any creative work will help you to feel fulfilled, needed, appreciated!

10. Start doing something you always wanted to do but never had time!

11. Less TV, more outreach and face-to-face contact! Times flies afront of TV/Internet, etc. You will gain more free time to be with others!Maybe to read some valueable book?To write to your penfriend?To do piano classes or to write a poetry?

12.In the end of the day glance through your day and find thankful moments…Thank the Lord for good, pozitive, successful things/ events, there is always something to thank Him for.



Repay Love with Love!

“The work of creation is a work of love. God created us out of love. Like a father, He guides our steps along the paths of life. You shall therefore love the Lord your God, and keep his charge, his statutes, his ordinances and his commandments always.(Dt 11, 1-2)

It was love that moved God to create us, to redeem us by sending his Son, who offered Himself as a victim of expiation to be paid on our behalf, in order to make reparation for our sins. If God had not loved us, we would not exist; we should have remained in nothingness. Hence, it is our duty, in gratitude, in appreciation, in justice and in equity, to love God above all things, to repay Love with love, to pay for love with love, as we Portuguese say.”
Sister Lucia of Fatima

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