Our Lady of Fatima books DVDs by Sister Lucia

Archive for April, 2011

The Power of Prayer by Sister Lucia

Prayer is necessary for all, and we must all pray, whether our prayer is vocal, mental or contemplative.
Vocal prayer– that is addressed to God in words.
Mental prayer– talk to God about the subject on which you are meditating, for example, an increase in faith, humility, charity or a spirit of sacrifice, in order to overcome our repugnances and difficulties, defects and temptations.
Contemplative prayer– even closer intimacy with God, in which those practising in it enter more deeply into presence of God within them, abandoning themselves more intimately to the work of the grace, light and love of God within them. Wrapped in a supernatural atmosphere, the soul allows itself to be imbued, raised up and transformed by the action of God within it, purifying and absorbing it.

There is another kind of prayer: it is the “Prayer of our work”, of the performance of all the duties in our state in life in a spirit of humble submission to God, because it was He who imposed on us the law of work.
There is nothing on earth which can be compared to the happiness experienced by a soul in intimate union with God!
“Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and it will be opened to you (Mt7, 7-8)

Fatima interview “Learn to Read” Part 1 13/02/2009

<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/6598187″>”Learn to Read” – Interview. Part 1 of 3</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user2307562″>thecalltofatima</a&gt; on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Sister Lucia’s last wish

Doctor Branca Paul spent 15 years with Sister Lucia and was her private physician. As they aquinted with each other, Sister Lucia shared many insights regarding the apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima. Sister Lucia has written 2 lovely books concerning the apparitions and the Message of Fatima, and now her personal doctor  has helped to create the 2 film documentaries “The Call to Fatima”- the Story and the Message, this was the last wish of late visionary of Fatima-to spread the Message to the world.

Law of God in Lucia’s words

"We should engrave the law of God's love into our hearts" Sister Lucia of Fatima

"We should engrave the law of God's love into our hearts" Sister Lucia of Fatima

God’s insistence that we should engrave the law of his Love in our hearts, that we should use it as a symbol on our arm and a frontlet before our eyes, that we should have it written on the doors and doorposts of our houses, is in order to ensure that it should always be present to us, that we should meditate on it night and day, and that we should teach it to our children, to our brothers and sisters and to all those around us. It is to be the guide of our footsteps, that is, we must walk in the path of love.

Sister Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart, book “Calls from the Message of Fatima”, page 157, available on  http://www.thecalltofatima.com/

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