Our Lady of Fatima books DVDs by Sister Lucia

Archive for the ‘Healing’ Category

Time-Tested Beauty Tips

      Time-Tested Beauty TipsWords of Wisdom www.thecalltofatima.wordpress.com
  • For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
  • For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
  • For a slim figure, share your food  with the hungry.
  • For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day.
  • For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone.
  • We leave you a tradition with a future.
  • The tender loving care of human beings will never become absolete.
  • People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed and redeemed and redeemed.
  • Never throw out anybody.
  • Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.
  • As you grow older, you will discover, that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
  • Your “good old days” are still ahead of you, may you have many of them.

Letter by Sam Levenson to his granddaughter when she was born

How to stay happy?

How to stay happy?How to remain in this state? Few short suggestions may help you a lot in your every day life.

This is not a secret or any miraculous formula. So take it as you see it and put it to work. It is all up to you…and it is so simple!

1.  Smile, as smile costs nothing and warms up so many hearts!

2. Serve others rather than be served! Start with your spouse..friend…brother or sister..neighbour…workmate

3. Listen, what people around you want to say!

4. Find a balance between your physical & spiritual life, don’t neglect one or another!

5. Spare more time for your family!It is always great to visit your parents or call your auntie.

6. Pray, hope and don’t worry! (St Padre Pio) The prayer, and especially the Rosary, is very powerful, by praying you will gain inner peace and will stop to worry so much.

6. Discuss different options for the future, be prepared for the worst, but always hope for the best! We are living in a crazy world, lot’s of mess and despair, but there is always a bright sight…always…route your life in HOPE that never dies!

7. Keep fit, exercise!Even Pope Benedict XVI is suggesting clergy to do sports!Jugging, swimming, tennis, football, walk with a dog, you name it. And you can never be too old for it!

8. Make your work enjoyable! Enjoy what you do!This is a key!

9. Start planting/ farming/ sewing/ cooking, etc. Any creative work will help you to feel fulfilled, needed, appreciated!

10. Start doing something you always wanted to do but never had time!

11. Less TV, more outreach and face-to-face contact! Times flies afront of TV/Internet, etc. You will gain more free time to be with others!Maybe to read some valueable book?To write to your penfriend?To do piano classes or to write a poetry?

12.In the end of the day glance through your day and find thankful moments…Thank the Lord for good, pozitive, successful things/ events, there is always something to thank Him for.



Submit your prayer request:Let’s pray for one another

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Today I got a special inspiration to give you an opportunity to submit your prayers and requests, and of course, thanksgiving, especially regarding Our Lady of Fatima and three little shepherds Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto and Servant of God Sister Lucia.

You are most welcome to submit your prayer/ thanksgiving words here below! May God bless you all, let’s pray for one another!

Prayer for the Church in Ireland

Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland, Co.MayoPrayer for the Church in Ireland

God of our fathers,
renew us in the faith which is our life and salvation,
the hope which promises forgiveness and interior renewal,
the charity which purifies and opens our hearts
to love you, and in you, each of our brothers and sisters.

Lord Jesus Christ,
may the Church in Ireland renew her age-old commitment
to the education of our young people in the way of truth and goodness, holiness and generous service to society.

Holy Spirit, comforter, advocate and guide,
inspire a new springtime of holiness and apostolic zeal
for the Church in Ireland.

May our sorrow and our tears,
our sincere effort to redress past wrongs,
and our firm purpose of amendment
bear an abundant harvest of grace
for the deepening of the faith
in our families, parishes, schools and communities,
for the spiritual progress of Irish society,
and the growth of charity, justice, joy and peace
within the whole human family.

To you, Triune God,
confident in the loving protection of Mary,
Queen of Ireland, our Mother,
and of Saint Patrick, Saint Brigid and all the saints,
do we entrust ourselves, our children,
and the needs of the Church in Ireland.


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