Our Lady of Fatima books DVDs by Sister Lucia

Posts tagged ‘Sorry’

Spiritual Exercises for lent: Day 29 & 30

Spiritual Exercises for lent: Day 29

Let the word “Sorry” be on the top of your agenda today! Make peace and find joy. Say sorry to those who you have mistreated, done wrong and hurt. Ask God’s help for courage to face difficult situation to lead to forgiveness.

sorry image

Spiritual Exercises for lent: Day 30

Return to or start the practise of good old Catholic devotions like making sign of the Cross passing the Church, blessing yourself with the Holy Water, making morning and  evening offering, saying grace before and after meals, praying the Angelus, family Rosary, praying for the deceased, Saint Michael the Archangel/ Guardian Angel prayers, reciting Divine Mercy Chaplet, consecrating yourself to the Immaculate heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus or hanging the  two hearts images in your home.

Confession- Gift from God himself

         Confession- gift from God


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